Thank you to Project Involve of Film Independent (Apply now for next year's program) and the National Minority Consortia for PBS for commissioning this film.
Between the Roller Derby Girls and the fever dream flair that guides our design; we are trying to raise at least
$1,000 by April 12th. Why contribute? You've lost someone and have no idea how to move on. You believe in the value of traditions, even when you don't always understand them. You've been through a crisis and need to laugh, because (true story) the movies people talk about on their death beds are comedies. To donate, click here.
I was the girl-scout that never sold enough boxes of cookies.
I was the shopper who said are you sure? when offered a discount.
I've always been scared to barter and beg; but because my love of film-making is stronger than my fear of offending I'm learning to leap over that moon.
Here are some other ways that you can help out 7 DAY GIG.
Share our campaign! Go on. Cut and Paste this puppy.
Or perhaps you are a neighbor that can lend us one of the items below.
-Bright colored Family Van
-Other bright colored cars to park on the street
-Old PC Lap Top
-Old TV
-an old blue or aqua colored couch
-Two sets of rollerskating or rollerblading protective gear (knee pads and wrist guards).

Are you a restaurant owner or food vendor? Consider making a tax-deductible donation to our production.
-Truck. Art Department needs a truck to pick up that awesome aqua couch we are going to borrow from a fantastic friend.
E-mail me if you have an item we can borrow (kate.sugarcane@gmail.com)
Thank you to the amazing 7 Day Gig team who is working so hard to bring this story to life and thank you to everyone who has already donated to this film!
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